The Scientific Committee, composed of a small number of internationally renowned scientists and experts in the field of lake and reservoir management and conservation, is responsible for advancing and implementing scientific policies that support the aims of ILEC. The members of the Committee work on a voluntary basis and are elected to serve a three-year term with the possibility of reappointment. The Bureau Members, consisting of the chairperson, vice-chairperson(s), and three other members (including the secretary), are entrusted with the business of the Scientific Committee. The current membership (the 13th term, from April 1st, 2022 to March 31st, 2025) is as follows.

Walter Rast
Chair USA
Prof. Emeritus and Director
International Watershed Studies, The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment
Texas State University

Adelina Santos-Borja
Vice Chair Philippines
Dep. Manager III
Resource Management
and Development Dep.
Laguna Lake
Dev. Authority (LLDA)

Salif Diop
Vice Chair Senegal
University Cheikh Anta Diop
Member, Academy of Sciences and Techniques of Senegal

Sandra Azevedo
Bureau Member Brazil
Carlos Chagas Filho
Biophysics Institute
Brazil Federal University
of Rio de Janeiro

Daniel Olago
Bureau Member Kenya
Professor, Institute for Climate Change and Adaptation (ICCA) & Department of Geology, Univ. of Nairobi

Ajit Kumar Pattnaik
Member India
Vice President, Wetlands International, South Asia

Zhengyu Hu
Member China
Deputy Director, The Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)

Yoshihisa Shimizu
Member Japan
Professor, Research Center for Environmental Quality Management, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University

Colin Maxwell Finlayson
Member Australia
Director, The Institute for Land,
Water and Society
Charles Sturt University

Pieter van der Zaag
Member Netherlands
Water Resources Management
IHE Delft Institute for
Water Education

Alejandro Juarez Aguilar
Member Mexico
Director General
Corazón de la Tierra (Heart of the Earth)

Tiina Nõges
Member Estonia
Professor of Hydrobiology
Chair of Hydrobiology and Fishery,
Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Science,
Estonian University of Life Sciences

Masatsugu Takamatsu
Member Japan
Disaster Risk Management Specialist
World Bank
Former Members
- Dr. Masaaki Naito [Japan] (Ex-officio)
- Prof. Xiangcan Jin [China]
- Dr. Mohan Kodarkar [India]
- Dr. Chris H. D. Magadza [Zimbabwe]
- Dr. Eric Odada [Kenya]
- Prof. Saburo Matsui [Japan]
- Prof. Sven Erik Jorgensen [Denmark]
- Prof. Tatsuo Kira [Japan]
- Ms. Dianne Dumanoski [USA]
- Dr. Anders Jagerskog [Sweden]
- Prof. Nii Boi Ayibotele [Ghana]
- Ing. Conrado E. Bauer [Argentina]
- Dr. Riccardo De Bernardi [Italy]
- Prof. James P. Bruce [Canada]
- Ing. Alberto T. J. Calcagno [Argentina]
- Dr. Madhave Atmaram Chitale [India]
- Dr. Sven Evteev [Kenya]
- Prof. Takeshi Goda [Japan ]
- Prof. Genady N. Golubev [Russia]
- Dr. Steve Halls [Japan]
- Prof. Michio Hashimoto [Japan]
- Prof. Liu Hongliang [China]
- Dr. Sidharth Kaul [India]
- Dr. Triloki Nath Khoshoo [India]
- Prof. Heinz Loeffler [Austria]
- Prof. Ferenc Mate [Hungary]
- Prof. Kenneth Mavuti [Kenya]
- Dr. Richard A. Megank [Netherland]
- Prof. Mambillikalathil G. K. Menon MP [India]
- Dr. Michel Meybeck [France]
- Prof. Jurgen Overbeck [Germany]
- Prof. Sanga Sabhasri [Thailand]
- Prof. Janos Salanki [Hungary]
- Prof. Milan Straskraba [Czech Republic]
- Prof. Richard Thomas [Canada]
- Prof. Jose Galizia Tundisi [Brazil]
- Prof. Richard A. Vollenweider [Canada]
- Prof. Robert George Wetzel [USA]
- Prof. Gilbert F. White [USA]
- Prof. William David Williams [Australia]
- Prof. Masahisa Nakamura [Japan]
- Prof. Nikolai Aladin [Russia]
- Dr. Richard Denis Roberts [Canada]
- Prof. Luigi Naselli-Flores [Italy]
- Prof. Tsugihiro Watanabe [Japan]
- MSc. Juan Skinner [Guatemala]