ILBM Promotion

TWAP West Africa Expert Gr. Meeting and Workshop on the Volta Lake/River Basin

On June 16-17, 2014, ILEC organized TWAP West Africa Expert Group Meeting in Accra, Ghana at the head office of Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) – Water Research Institute (WRI) in collaboration with CSIR-WRI and UNEP. The following day (June 18), the ILEC team visited Weija Reservoir and Volta Estuary.
On June 19-20, 2014, ILEC participated in a workshop organized at the same institute by UNEP which is titled “Workshop on In-depth Assessment of the Volta Lake/River Basin” as the lead assessment organization of GEF-TWAP project in its lakes component.
The two meetings provided valuable opportunities for the ILEC to get information and exchange views with local experts on the current status of lakes and lagoons in West Africa.