Tiina Nõges
Professor of Hydrobiology
Chair of Hydrobiology and Fishery,
Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Science,
Estonian University of Life Sciences
Tiina Nõges (PhD,153 ISI WoS papers, over 5000 citations, h33) has expertise in general limnology, lake food webs, catchment and climate change impacts on lake ecosystems. She has supervised 11 PhD and 4 postdoc’s and currently is supervising 3 PhD students. She has led 11 national scientific projects; was the country coordinator of 5 FP projects; was seconded national expert at EC JRC, Ispra and member of LESC at European Science Foundation. Since 2013 She is professor of hydrobiology at Chair of Hydrobiology and Fishery (CHF), Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (IAES), Estonian University of Life Sciences (EMU) in Estonia. She has been member of organizing and scientific committees of internationally established conferences: European Large Lakes Symposion (ELLS 2015; ELLS-IAGRL 2018), Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences (SEFS 2015), Congress of International Society of Limnology (SIL 2016). For ELLS, She was the founder of the conference series by organising the first event in Estonia in 2006. In 2018, the 5th ELLS in France was organised jointly with The International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR) Conference. She has held invited keynote presentations in international conferences (SEFS- 2007, ELLS-2009). She is or has been member of international associations: Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON), International Society of Limnology (SIL), Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) and belong to the Scientific Committee of International Lake Environment Committee Foundation (ILEC). She belonged to the editorial board of ‘Estonian Journal of Ecology’ (2007-2014) and was guest editor of special issue of ‘Hydrobiologia’ in 2016. Presently She is member of the Evaluation committee of the Estonian Research Council, the Academic Commission and the PhD commission at Estonian University of Life Sciences (EMU) and a vice chair of the Marine Commission at Estonian Academy of Sciences. She has been member of the Standing Committee for Life, Earth and Environmental Sciences (LESC) at European Science Foundation (2006−2010), member of Evaluation Committee of Estonian Science Agency (2013-2018), seconded national expert at Ispra Joint Research Centre (JRC) of European Commission (2009-2010) and member of scientific committee of Tartu Observatory (2012−2016) and jury member of L’Oréal Baltic For Women in Science Fellowship Programme (2017-2020). She has been Research Professor at Estonian Academy of Sciences (2009–2012), awarded by Government of Estonia by National research award in bio-geosciences as group leader (2015), by ‘Tartu Raefond’ for science organisation (2015), by distinguished Service Medal of EMU (2018). In 2018 She was nominated as Woman Academic Scientist of the year in Estonia and included into Expert Database of Outstanding Female Academics ‘AcademiaNet’ by The Robert Bosch Foundation. In 2021 she was awarded by The Fourth Class Order of Merit of the White Star of the President of the Republic of Estonia.
URL for web site: https://www.etis.ee/CV/Tiina_N%C3%B5ges/eng?lang=ENG