Dr. Nakamura, ILEC Vice President, and Ms. Santos-Borja, Vice Chair of the ILEC Scientific Committee, participated in the 10th World Water Forum (WWF10), held in Bali, Indonesia, from Saturday, May 18th to Saturday, May 25th, 2024. We are pleased to provide you with this quick report. Stay tuned for further updates in the second installment!
【Tuesday, May 21st】
High-Level Panel 13 “Urgent Call to Save our Lakes – Promoting Global Agenda and Collaborative Efforts for Sustainable Lake Management and Raising Momentum of World Lake Day”
Dr. Nakamura, ILEC Vice President took the stage as the Keynote Speaker. Various speakers from international organizations such as UNEP and Ramsar, as well as the Indonesian government, the Governor of Shiga Prefecture, and the Governor of Java Province, shared actions to promote “Sustainable Lake Management” and emphasized the importance of inclusive coordination and collaboration internationally toward the establishment of “World Lake Day.”

High-Level Panel 15 “The Bandung Spirit Water Summit- A new political corridor to achieve SDGs through water”
Mr. Basuki, the Indonesian Minister of Public Works and Public Housing, mentioned during his remarks that adopting the resolution to establish “World Lake Day” is a crucial key to conserving lakes worldwide. There is a growing sense of momentum toward its realization. In this session, his Majesty the Emperor of Japan also delivered a keynote lecture via video entitled “Water for Shared Prosperity.”
The ministerial declaration, including the establishment of “World Lake Day,” was adopted.
Urgent call #5 (page 2)

【Wednesday, May 22nd】
Special Session 9 “Establishing Cooperation for the Centre of Excellence for Water and Climate Resilience”
In the panel discussion, speakers from JICA, ICHARM, the World Bank, etc., featured international cooperation on water resources and climate change. Ms. Adelina Santos-Borja, Vice Chair of the ILEC Scientific Committee, facilitated a working group session on “Sustainable Lake Management” and discussed the role, objectives, linkages and challenges of the Center of Excellence in “Sustainable Lake Management” with the Indonesian government administrators, former Dutch government administrators, and the representatives from the private sector.
*Centre of Excellence for Water and Climate Resilience: A center of excellence to consolidate and promote expertise, technologies, and practices for water resources management and climate change resilience. It aims to play a role in strengthening the resilience of local and international communities through excellence in research, education, training, and technology development in the fields of water and climate.