One percent (1%) of the water on Earth's surface is liquid freshwater. The vast majority of all the liquid freshwater is contained in lakes and other lentic (pooled or static) waters. A comprehensive management framework for lakes and other lentic waters, however, is a major missing link in the Global Water Agenda and a weak link in the Integrated River Basin Management (IRBM)/Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) arena because they do not adequately consider their unique features.   ILEC and UNEP, in partnership with relevant UN agencies, national and local governments, international NGOs and scientific association and institutions, industrial sectors, and various other interested parties, initiated a call for action for mainstreaming lakes and other lentic waters in national and global environmental policy frameworks.  Achievement of this mainstreaming initiative will facilitate their sustainable use for human health and wellbeing, for socio-economic development and poverty alleviation and for maintaining their integrity, biodiversity and their life-supporting ecosystem goods and services.   This effort began with a colloquium at the 17th World Lake Conference (WLC17) and led to a series of activities, including the first ILEC-UNEP International Webinar on "Mainstreaming Lakes in the Global Water Agenda",  the  UNEP-ILEC Special Session on  Mainstreaming Lakes and Wetlands in the Global Water Agenda and SDGs" at the WLC18, the 3rd UNEP-ILEC International Webinar on "Taking Major Step Toward Mainstreaming Lakes" as a side event of the 4th APWS, the International Symposium 2022 on “Fostering the Value of Lakes for Future Generations”, the UN 2023 Water Conference to further promote Sustainable Lake Management (SLM), and the International Colloquium on "Promoting Sustainable Lake Management (SLM): Challenges, Achievements, and Lessons Learned" at the WLC19.

You can see the statement for mainstreaming lakes and other lentic waters within the global water agenda from here.

Sustainable Lake Management Resolution Adopted at UNEA5.2

Resolution on Sustainable Lake Management adopted at the 5th session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA5.2 in Nairobi, Kenya, March 2022 ) is available.  Click Here for the related article.

The video of the ILEC-UNEP International Colloquium ”Promoting Sustainable Lake Management (SLM): Challenges, Achievements, and Lessons Learned," held on November 6, 2023, as a side event of the 19th World Lake Conference, is available.

Click here for the related article.


Program (video-linked version)



Prize/Award Affiliation Title / Presentation Materials
Grand Prize
and Viewer’s Award
Seian University of Art and Design Enjoying Tracing Ecotourism
Excellence Award International Volunteer University  Student Association (IVUSA) ,
Kyoto University of Foreign Studies
“Be a Researcher “Tour in BIWAKO
Excellence Award Ritsumeikan University Eco-Tourism starts with Trail Running
Special Award General Incorporated Association SwitchSwitch Experience 400 years of history! Traditional Fishing Method Sustainable Tour
ILEC Award
(Participation Award)
 Biwako Hojo no Sato
 Ritsumeikan University
Creating a River Where Fireflies Fly Ecotourism to promote Shiga Prefecture’s attractions
Participation Award Omi Uraraka Net, Kobe University Reed Tourism
The University of Shiga Prefecture 'What“Attractive Eco-tourism for young generation” be like?
Kyoto Sangyo University Use non-native species to revitalize the local economy and develop a new food culture.
Prize/Award Affiliation Title / Presentation Materials
Grand Prize
and Viewer’s Award
Seian University of Art and Design Enjoying Tracing Ecotourism
Excellence Award International Volunteer University  Student Association (IVUSA) ,
Kyoto University of Foreign Studies
“Be a Researcher “Tour in BIWAKO
Excellence Award Ritsumeikan University Eco-Tourism starts with Trail Running
Special Award General Incorporated Association SwitchSwitch Experience 400 years of history! Traditional Fishing Method Sustainable Tour
ILEC Award
(Participation Award)
 Biwako Hojo no Sato
 Ritsumeikan University
Creating a River Where Fireflies Fly Ecotourism to promote Shiga Prefecture’s attractions
Participation Award Omi Uraraka Net, Kobe University Reed Tourism
The University of Shiga Prefecture 'What“Attractive Eco-tourism for young generation” be like?
Kyoto Sangyo University Use non-native species to revitalize the local economy and develop a new food culture.


The related materials on the UN 2023 Water Conference held at UN Headquarters (New York) are available.

Click here for the related article.


Prize/Award Affiliation Title / Presentation Materials
Grand Prize
and Viewer’s Award
Seian University of Art and Design Enjoying Tracing Ecotourism
Excellence Award International Volunteer University  Student Association (IVUSA) ,
Kyoto University of Foreign Studies
“Be a Researcher “Tour in BIWAKO
Excellence Award Ritsumeikan University Eco-Tourism starts with Trail Running
Special Award General Incorporated Association SwitchSwitch Experience 400 years of history! Traditional Fishing Method Sustainable Tour
ILEC Award
(Participation Award)
 Biwako Hojo no Sato
 Ritsumeikan University
Creating a River Where Fireflies Fly Ecotourism to promote Shiga Prefecture’s attractions
Participation Award Omi Uraraka Net, Kobe University Reed Tourism
The University of Shiga Prefecture 'What“Attractive Eco-tourism for young generation” be like?
Kyoto Sangyo University Use non-native species to revitalize the local economy and develop a new food culture.

Summary and videos of the International Symposium 2022 “Fostering the Value of Lakes for Future Generations” are available.

Click here for the related article.


Report     Newsletter Special Issue     Summary     Program   


Prize/Award Affiliation Title / Presentation Materials
Grand Prize
and Viewer’s Award
Seian University of Art and Design Enjoying Tracing Ecotourism
Excellence Award International Volunteer University  Student Association (IVUSA) ,
Kyoto University of Foreign Studies
“Be a Researcher “Tour in BIWAKO
Excellence Award Ritsumeikan University Eco-Tourism starts with Trail Running
Special Award General Incorporated Association SwitchSwitch Experience 400 years of history! Traditional Fishing Method Sustainable Tour
ILEC Award
(Participation Award)
 Biwako Hojo no Sato
 Ritsumeikan University
Creating a River Where Fireflies Fly Ecotourism to promote Shiga Prefecture’s attractions
Participation Award Omi Uraraka Net, Kobe University Reed Tourism
The University of Shiga Prefecture 'What“Attractive Eco-tourism for young generation” be like?
Kyoto Sangyo University Use non-native species to revitalize the local economy and develop a new food culture.

Presentation Materials of Lake Ecotourism Contest

Prize/Award Affiliation Title / Presentation Materials
Grand Prize
and Viewer’s Award
Seian University of Art and Design Enjoying Tracing Ecotourism
Excellence Award International Volunteer University  Student Association (IVUSA) ,
Kyoto University of Foreign Studies
“Be a Researcher “Tour in BIWAKO
Excellence Award Ritsumeikan University Eco-Tourism starts with Trail Running
Special Award General Incorporated Association SwitchSwitch Experience 400 years of history! Traditional Fishing Method Sustainable Tour
ILEC Award
(Participation Award)
 Biwako Hojo no Sato
 Ritsumeikan University
Creating a River Where Fireflies Fly Ecotourism to promote Shiga Prefecture’s attractions
Participation Award Omi Uraraka Net, Kobe University Reed Tourism
The University of Shiga Prefecture 'What“Attractive Eco-tourism for young generation” be like?
Kyoto Sangyo University Use non-native species to revitalize the local economy and develop a new food culture.


Overview of the 3rd ILEC-UNEP International Webinar, "Taking Major Step Toward Mainstreaming Lakes" held on May 18th, 2022 is available. Click here for the related article.

Overview of the UNEP-ILEC Special Session on “Mainstreaming Lakes and Wetlands in the Global Water Agenda and SDGs,” held jointly with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) at the 18th World Lake Conference (WLC18) on November 10, 2021, is available.

UNEP-ILEC International Webinar

Overview of the ILEC-UNEP International Webinar, "Mainstreaming Lakes in the Global Water Agenda" held on October 27th, 2020 is available.

Each Speaker

Speaker Country / Organization (Video) Presentation Material

Dr. Jian Liu,
Director, Science Division, The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

UNEP ▶ Opening Remarks

Dr. Kazuhiko Takemoto,
President, International Lake Environment Committee Foundation (ILEC)


Opening Remarks

Dr. Walter Rast,
Chairman, Scientific Committee, International Lake Environment Committee Foundation (ILEC)


Mainstreaming Lakes in Global Water Agenda

Abstract_Dr. Walter Rast

Mr. Seiji Tsutsui,
Director, Water Environment Division, Ministry of Environment

Japan ▶

Water Environment Administration of Lakes in Japan

Abstract_Mr. Seiji Tsutsui

Ms. Laksmi Dhewanthi,
Senior Adviser to Minister of Environment and Forestry for Industry and International Trade

Indonesia ▶

Sustainable Lake Management in Indonesia

Abstract_Ms. Laksmi Dhewanthi

Ms. Amelita DJ. Ortiz,
Assistant Director, Representing Mr. Ricardo Calderon, Assistant Secretary, Biodiversity Management Bureau, Department of Environment and Natural Resources

The Philippines ▶

Lake Basin Management Initiatives in the Philippines

Abstract_Ms. Amelita DJ. Ortiz

Ms. Manju Pandey,
Joint Secretary, Forest and Climate Change Department, Ministry of Environment

India ▶

Wetland Conservation Program in India

Abstract_Ms. Manju Pandey

Dr. Zati Sharip,
Senior Researcher, National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM), Ministry of Environment and Water

Malaysia ▶

Integrated Lake Basin Management (ILBM) initiatives towards transforming the Malaysian Water Sector

Abstract_Dr. Zati Sharip

Ms. Prava Pandey,
Program Officer, Representing Mr. Raju Sapkota, Under Secretary, Ministry of Forests and Environment, and Executive Director of NLCDC

Nepal ▶

Overview of Integrated Lake Basin Management (ILBM) Approach for Sustainability of Lakes and Wetlands in Nepal

Abstract_Ms. Prava Pandey

Dr. Daniel O. Olago,
Professor, Institute for Climate Change and Adaptation (ICCA), University of Nairobi

Kenya ▶

The Status of Lake Basin Management in “Kenya and the Prospect for East African Collaboration on ILBM”

Abstract_Dr. Daniel Olago

Dr. Salif Diop,
Professor, University Cheikh Anta Diop, and Member of Academy of Sciences and Techniques of Senegal

Senegal ▶

Challenges for ILBM/Integrated Lake Basins Management implementation in West Africa

Abstract_Dr. Salif Diop

Dr. Masahisa Nakamura,
Executive Director and Vice President, International Lake Environment Committee Foundation (ILEC), and Professor of Shiga University

All members ▶ Discussion Part

Mainstreaming Lakes in the Global Water Agenda(Updated on Oct. 6. 2020 )


In association with the 17th World Lake Conference held in Ibaraki, Japan, ILEC convened an International Colloquium on October 14, 2018 to discuss the role and importance of lakes and reservoirs in the international water arena. The Colloquium consisted of participants from governments, UN agencies, and international organizations from around the world.<Related Article>

The following Statement is the draft output arising from discussions at the Colloquium as appropriately revised to increase appreciation and understanding of the important role of these waterbodies in the global water agenda, based on input from the ILEC Scientific Committee and the related participating organizations. PDF [194KB]

Upon reviewing the draft Statement, readers are cordially invited to provide active comments and feedback on the contents and its intended goals, which will increase its value to those responsible for assessing and managing these important waterbodies for their sustainable use. Please send your comments directly to ILEC (